Yesterday's Special
                   Choreographed by Kathy Hunyadi
               Danbury, CT, October 1995, 203-798-9312
One Wall Line Dance, 40 Counts, Level: Easy!
Music: "The City Put The Country Back In Me" by Neal McCoy
       "See Rock City" by Rick Trevino

Choreographed for Yesterday's Cafe, Danbury, CT

Counts and Steps follow . . .

1,2         Tap R toes in towards L instep twice
3,4         Tap R heel in towards L instep twice

5,6,7,8     Tap R toes in towards L instep,
            R heel in, R toes in, R heel in while traveling
            to right by swiveling L heel to right,
            L toes right, L heel right, L toes center

1,2,3,4     Step forward on R foot, touch L foot next to right,
            step back on L foot, touch R foot next to L

5,6,7,8     Step forward on R foot, step L foot together with R;
            twist both heels left, twist both heels right
            (keep weight on left foot)

1,2,3,4     Grapevine right:
            Step to right on R foot, cross step L foot behind R,
            step to right on R foot, scuff L foot forward

5,6,7,8     Grapevine left:
            Step to left on L foot, cross step R foot behind L,
            step to left on L foot while turning 1/4 turn to left,
            scuff R foot forward

1,2         Step forward on R foot, turn 1/4 turn to left,
            step in place on L foot

3,4         REPEAT counts 1,2

5,6         REPEAT counts 1,2

7,8         Stomp R foot twice
            (take weight on R foot after second stomp)

1,2,3,4     Fan R toes out to right, R heel out,
            R heel in, R toes in

5,6,7,8     Fan L toes out to left, L heel out,
            L heel in, L toes in

Begin Again!