TYPE: Partner Dance (Four Walls)
LEVEL: Beginner
MUSIC: Something To Talk About by Bonnie Raitt
	Oo-Wee by K.T. Oslin
	I'm The Only One by Melissa Etheridge
	Love Is Strange by K.T. Oslin
	Shame, Shame, Shame, Shame by Mark Collie
	Black Velvet by Robin Lee
	One Night by Billy Ray Cyrus

Partners begin by facing each other in double open handhold position
(All men facing the same direction ... situated anywhere on the dance floor)


1-4	(Gentleman)	Step in place Left, Right, Left, Right turning partner inside under
 			left arm, into a wrap
	(Lady)		1/2 left turn under man's left arm, stepping forward Right,
			turning Left, Right, touch Left, into a wrap
			(your back against partner's chest)

Partners are now in a wrap (cuddle position)


5-6	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
7-8	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
9-10	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
11-12	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left


13-16	(Gentleman)	Begin full left turn,
			first releasing partner's left hand from your right,
			bringing her right hand to your waist, turning Left, Right
			Release her other hand, turning Left, Right, picking up her right
 			hand, facing partner in a very closed dance position
	(Lady)		Complete 1/2 left turn, sliding Right arm around partner's waist,
			turning Left, Right, Left, touch Right to face partner
			in a very closed dance position

Partners are now in closed dance position (or closer)


17-18	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
19-20	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
21-22	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
23-24	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Gentleman)	Roll hips as you step Right in place, touch Left
	(Lady)		Roll hips as you step Left in place, touch Right


25-26	(Gentleman)	Step back Left, Right, releasing partner's left hand from your right
	(Lady)		Step back Left, Right, releasing partner's right hand from your left
27-28	(Gentleman)	Step back diagonally to right Left, Right, pivoting 1/4 left turn,
			keeping partner's right hand in your left extended at waist level
	(Lady)		Step forward Right, Left as you pass in front of your partner
29&30	(Gentleman)	Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left beginning 1/4 left turn
			keeping her right hand at waist level
	(Lady)		Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right beginning 1/2 left turn
31&32	(Gentleman)	Shuffle in place Right, Left, Right picking up partner's left hand in
 			your right
	(Lady)		Complete the 1/2 left turn shuffling Left, Right, Left
			picking up partner's right hand in your left


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©1997 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.