SWIVELLED UP CHOREOGRAPHER: Jamie Davis COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Bad To Good by Deryl Dodd Come Baby Come by K7 Super Star by Nsync If I Had A Cheating Heart by Ricky Lynn Gregg STOMP HOLDS, HEELS, BEND, SWIVEL TOES 1-2 Stomp forward left, hold (put some bounce into it) 3-4 Stomp right next to left, hold (put some bounce into it) (leaving weight on left) 5-6 Swivel right heel to right, swivel left heel to right (taking weight on heels) 7 Bend at knees, raising elbows up and out to sides 8 Swivel toes to right, lowering arms SWIVELS 9-10 Swivel toes to left, swivel heels to left 11&12 Swivel heels to right, swivel heels to left, swivel heels to right 13-14 Swivel heels to left, swivel toes to left 15&16 Swivel heels to right, swivel heels to left, swivel heels to center KICK, SIDE, STEPS, KICK, FORWARD LOCK STEPS, PIVOT TURNS 17& Kick right foot forward, step right next to left 18& Step left to left, step right in place 19& Kick left forward, step left next to right 20& Step right to right, step left in place 21& Kick right forward, step right forward kicking left behind right 22& Lock step left behind right, raising right over left, step right forward 23-24 Step left forward, pivot 1/2 right, placing weight on left STEP PIVOT, 1/4 RIGHT BUMPS, STEPS, HITCH 25-26 Step right back, pivot 1/4 right 27& Bump right, bump left 28& Bump right, bump left 29-30 Step right forward, clap & Step left next to right 31-32 Step right forward, hitch left next to right REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/CactusStar/home.htm