STRAIT CHA-CHA CHOREOGRAPHER: Sal Gonzalez COUNT: 32 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate MUSIC: I Just Want To Dance With You by George Strait DOUBLE HIP ROCKS FORWARD 1 Step forward diagonal with right foot and rock 2 Rock back onto left foot 3 Rock forward onto right foot 4 Roc back onto left foot DOUBLE HIP ROCKS BACK 5 Step back diagonal with right foot and rock 6 Rock forward onto left foot 7 Rock back onto right foot 8 Rock forward onto left foot SINGLE HIP ROCKS 1 Step forward diagonal with right foot and rock 2 Rock back onto left foot 3 Step back diagonal with right foot and rock 4 Rock forward onto left foot FORWARD WALKS, CHA-CHA-CHA 5 Step forward with right foot 6 Step forward with left foot 7&8 Cha-cha-cha forward (right-left-right) FORWARD-BACK CHA-CHA BACK-FORWARD CHA-CHA-CHA 1 Step forward with left foot and rock 2 Rock back onto right foot 3&4 Cha-cha-cha back (left-right-left) 5 Rock back onto right foot and rock 6 Rock forward onto left foot 7&8 Cha-cha-cha forward (right-left-right) DOUBLE CAMEL WALK FORWARD PIVOT TURN BRUSH 1 Step forward with left foot 2 Step behind left with right foot 3 Step forward with left foot 4 Step behind left with right foot 5 Step forward with left foot 6 Step forward with right foot 7 Left pivot turn on left foot 8 Brush forward with right foot REPEAT