SMILE CHOREOGRAPHER: Dorothy Petras COUNT: 40 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate MUSIC: Smile by Vitamin C WALK FORWARD, KICK FORWARD, STEP RIGHT, WALK BACK BUMP & BUMP & 1-2 Walk forward right, left 3&4 Kick right foot forward, quick touch left heel, step back right 5-6 Step back left, right (shoulder width apart) 7&8& Bump hips, right & left & right & left (weight ending on left foot) WALK FORWARD, KICK FORWARD, STEP RIGHT, WALK BACK BUMP & BUMP & 1-2 Walk forward right, left 3&4 Kick right foot forward, quick touch left heel, step back right 5-6 Step back left, right (shoulder width apart) 7&8& Bump hips, right & left & right & left (weight ending on left foot) PIGEON TOES TRAVELING TO RIGHT THEN LEFT 1-2 Both toes out, both toes in 3&4 Both toes out, in, out (moving to right) 5-6 Both toes in, both toes out 7&8 Both toes in, out, in (moving to left) JUMPING JACKS WITH 1/2 TURN RIGHT - PUMP RIGHT FOOT TO SIDE WITH 1/2 TURN LEFT 1&2 Jump both feet out, jump both together, jump both feet out &3 Turn 1/2 right, facing back wall jump both feet out &4 Jump both feet together, jump both feet out 5-8 Right toe out to right side, pump right foot turning 1/2 left (You will be pumping right out to right side 4 times to complete 1/2 turn) Weight stays on left foot 2 1/8 TURNS TO LEFT (TOTAL 1/4 TURN) 1-2 Step forward on right foot swaying hips from left (behind) to right (forward) turning 1/8 left (weight ends on left foot) 3-4 Step forward on right foot swaying hips from left (behind) to right (forward) turning 1/8 left (weight ends on left foot) WASHING MACHINE 5&6&7&8 Move hips to left behind and to right and forward (as if washing machine is off balance) REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown