                   Choreographed by Michele Herson

    1 -  2   Swivel heels to Right, return to Center.
    3 -  4   Swivel heels to Left, return to Center.
    5 -  6   Touch R heel forward, continue to ball of R and
             Pivot Turn 1/4 CCW, Step on L.
    7 -  8   Repeat Steps 5-6.

    9 - 12   Grapevine Right, Transfer wt to L,
             Step R to side, Brush L, (do not transfer wt).
   13 - 16   Grapevine Left, Transfer wt to R,
             Step L to side, Touch R, (do not transfer wt).
   17 - 20   Step back R,L,R, Cross L in front of R and Touch L
             (Lean slightly forward at hips dipping L shoulder).

   21 - 24   Step forward L, Hook R behind L (bending knees and
             transfering wt to R),
             Step forward L, Step R beside L.
   25 - 26   Moving downward Sway hips to Right, Sway hips to Left.
   27 - 28   Repeat Steps 25-26.
   29 - 30   Moving upward Sway hips to Right, Sway hips to Left.
   31 - 32   Repeat Steps 29-30.

   33 - 40   Step forward R (putting forefinger & middle finger
             to lips and kissing), with wt still on R,
             push on ball of foot and Turn 1/4 Turn CCW,
             Step L (take fingers and Touch backside of R hip).
             Repeat 3 more times.
   41 - 44   Step back R,L,R, Cross L in front of R and Touch L
             (Lean slightly forward at hips, dipping L shoulder).

   45 - 48   Step forward L, Hook R behind L (bending knees and
             transfering wt to R),
             Step forward L, Step R to side (apart from L).
   49 - 52   Roll hips to Right side, Front, Left side, Back.
   53 - 56   Pump hips forward two times,
             Jump bringing hips together, Hold and Clap hands.

   Start Again!