Rocky Mountain Shuffle

   Description:    32 Ct. Line Dance, 2 Wall
                   When done Contra Lines begin back to back
   Choreographer:  Jim Ferrazzano - Inquiries (508) 794-9081
   Music:          Up tempo Shuffle beat, (Rocky Top, Terrie Gibb)

   01-02   Touch R toe to side, Step together
   03-04   Touch L toe to side, Step together

   05-08   Touch R heel in front, Hook L leg,
           Touch R in front, Step together.
   09-12   Touch L heel in front, Hook R leg,
           Touch in front, Step together.
   13-16   Touch R heel twice in front, Tap R toe twice in back.
   17-20   Step forward on R, Touch L in front,
           Touch L to side, Slap L foot behind R knee. *
   21-24   Grapevine Step to L (Step L, behind on R, Step L, Hitch R)

   25-28   Step to the side on R, make 1/2 Turn Clockwise (weight
           lands on L), Step behind on R, Hitch with L
   29-32   Step forward on L, Slide together R, Step L, Stomp R.
           (weight remains on L)

                             BEGIN AGAIN

   From the library of Jim and Martie Ferrazzano

   * Lady's Dancing in skirts and dresses may want to Slide the L
     foot behind the R keeping the toe on the floor.  This prevents
     her heel from catching in the hem.