CHOREOGRAPHER: EJ Foley (10/19/04)
TYPE: 4 Wall Cha Cha Line Dance
LEVEL: Beginner
MUSIC: Nothin' On But The Radio by Gary Allan-110 bpm
	My Girl by Bobby Vee-113 bpm
	Roulette by Enrique Iglesias-116 bpm

1-2	Step forward with left shifting weight onto left, Rock weight back onto right
3&4	Cha cha going back stepping left, right, left
5-6	Step back with right shifting weight onto right, Rock weight forward onto left
7&8	Cha cha going forward stepping right, left, right

9-10	Step to the left with left shifting weight onto left, Rock weight back onto right
11&12	Cha cha to right stepping left beside right, right to right, left beside right
13-14	Step to the right with right shifting weight onto right, Rock weight back onto left
15&16	Cha cha to left stepping right beside left, left to left, right beside left

17	Step across front of right with left turning 1/4 right and stepping forward with left
	shifting weight onto left
18	Rock weight back onto right turning 1/4 left
19&20	Cha cha to left stepping left to left, right beside left, left to left
21	Step across front of left with right turning 1/4 left and stepping forward with right
	shifting weight onto right
22	Rock weight back onto left turning 1/4 right
23&24	Cha cha to right stepping right to right, left beside right, right to right

27	Step forward with left with weight evenly distributed
28	Turn 1/4 right shifting weight onto right
27&28	Cha cha on the spot left, right, left
31	Step forward with right with weight evenly distributed
32	Turn 1/2 left shifting weight onto left
31&32	Cha cha on the spot right, left, right


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2004 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.