LOCOLITO CHOREOGRAPHER: Ed White COUNT: 64 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Something Kinda Funny by Spice Girls Little LocoLito by Los Umbrellos HEEL JACK, FUNKY HEEL BOUNCES, ROCK, STEP, STEP, STEP, 1/2 PIVOT RIGHT &1 Step right back and slightly right, touch left heel forward &2 Step left in place (look left), step right beside left 3&4 Bounce heels three times while making a 1/4 turn left 5&6 Step right forward, step left back, step right beside left 7-8 Step left forward, pivot 1/2 turn right stepping on right BODY ROLL, HIP BUMPS, KNEE ROLL, CROSS, BALL, CHANGE 1-2 Step left slightly forward and left and do a body roll transferring weight to right Option: Sway hips left, right 3&4 Bump hips right, left, right (weight ends on left) 5-6 Roll right knee to the right, stepping down on right on count 6 7&8 Cross left in front and to the right of right, quickly change weight to the ball of right, step on left ROCK, STEP, STEP, BALL, TOUCH, HEEL, STEP, SHUFFLE IN PLACE 1-2 Rock right out to right, recover weight in place on left 3&4 Step right in place, quickly step left in place, touch right beside left 5-6 Touch right heel forward, step right in place 7&8 Shuffle in place stepping left, right, left HEEL, STEP, SHUFFLE IN PLACE, STEP, 1/4 PIVOT LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD 1-2 Touch right heel forward, step right in place 3&4 Shuffle in place stepping left, right, left 5-6 Step right forward, pivot 1/4 turn left stepping on left (roll hips) 7&8 Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right ROCK, STEP, COASTER STEP, STEP, SLIDE, ROCK, ROCK, ROCK 1-2 Rock left forward, recover weight in place on right 3&4 Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward 5-6 Big step right forward and slightly right, slide left up to right with et on left 7&8 Rock forward on right, rock back on left, rock forward on right (these 3 steps should be bouncy & on the balls of the feet) STEP, 1/2 PIVOT RIGHT, SHUFFLE, POINT, TOUCH, SYNCOPATED HITCHES 1-2 Step left forward, pivot 1/2 turn right stepping on right 3&4 Shuffle forward stepping left, right, left 5-6 Point right toe to right, touch right toe beside left 7&8 Hitch right knee across left, quickly touch right toe slightly right, hitch right knee across left CROSS BALL CHANGE, ROCK, STEP, SYNCOPATED ROCK, STEP, STEP, SLIDE 1&2 Cross right in front of and to the left of left, quickly change weight to the ball of the left, step on right 3-4 Rock left to the left, recover weight on right in place 5&6 Cross rock left in front and to the right of right, quickly step in place on right, step left beside right 7-8 Step right to right, slide left beside right stepping on left 1/4 TURN WITH A SHUFFLE, STOMPS, HIP BUMPS, HIP ROLL 1&2 Turn 1/4 right and shuffle forward stepping right, left, right 3-4 Stomp left slightly forward, stomp right beside left (shoulder width apart) 5&6 Bump hips left, right, left (weight ends on left) 7-8 Roll hips right to left (weight ends on left) REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/CactusStar/home.htm