Kick It Up
             Choreographed by Shirley Bell, January 1996

90 Count, 2 Wall Contra Line Dance

Music: "Kick it Up" by John Michael Montgomery

Intro Count: 16, then begin with vocal -
             final rep ends with hitchkick

Count    Steps


1,2,3,4  Step to right side -
         Heel dig facing 10:00 (R, L),
         Step to left side facing 12:00 -
         heel dig facing 2:00 (L, R)

5,6      Step to right side facing 12:00 -
         Heel dig facing 10:00 (R, L)
7,8      Step 1/4 turn left facing 9:00 -
         Spin 1/2 turn left facing 3:00 (L, L)
         On counts 2 and 6 as you do a heel dig,
         slap right hand with opposing line.
         On count 4 as you do a heel dig,
         slap left hand with opposing line

1,2,3,4  Step forward -
         Stomp in 3rd position back & slap thighs (R, L),
         Step back -
         Stomp in 3rd position front & slap thighs (L, R)
5,6,     Kick right foot forward, hook right in front of left -
         crossing just below the knee
7,&,8    Right shuffle to right side -
         step side right, together, left, step side right


1,2      Twist on balls of feet 1/4 to the right facing 6:00,
         twist on the balls of feet 1/2 to left facing 12:00

3,&,4    Wiggle hips R, L, R

5,6,7,8  Hips circle counter clockwise twice

1,2      Step forward 1/4 turn to left as you bump right hip (R),
         Bump hip (R)
&,3,4    Pivot 1/4 to the right facing 12:00 -
         touch to place (R, L), Slap hands with opposing line
5,6      Step forward 1/4 turn to right as you bump left hip (L),
         Bump hip (L)
&,7,8    Pivot 1/4 to the left facing 12:00 -
         touch to place (L, R), Clap own hands together

1,2      Step side right, cross left behind right (R, L)
3,4      Step forward on right as you turn 1/4 turn right,
         spin an additional 1/2 right on right foot (R, R)

5,6,7    Step forward left, step forward right, step forward left
&,8      With weight on Left foot turn 1/4 right on count "&",
         shift weight to right foot facing 12:00

&,1      Raise left knee up in front as right knee bends
         (weight is on R),
         left foot jumps down to place as right kicks forward
         (Max's note: This is what Shirley refers to as
                      a "Hitchkick" - it's a high kick!)
2,3,4    Step forward on right (2),
         pivot 1/2 turn to the left placing weight on left (3),
         touch right next to left (4)

         Running Man -
         Step forward on right foot (facing 6:00),
         scoot back on right foot (5,&)
         Step forward on left foot, scoot back on left foot (6,&)
         Step forward on right foot, scoot back on right foot (7,&)
8        Step forward on left foot (8)

&,1      Scoot back with left foot,
         Step forward on right foot facing 7:00
2        Slide left foot up to right foot (3rd position) placing
         weight on left foot
&,3      Scoot back on left foot,
         step forward onto right foot still facing 7:00
4        Touch left foot next to right foot facing 6:00
         (this is described as a slide to a touch)

&,5      Scoot back with right foot,
         step forward on left facing 5:00
6        Slide right foot up to left foot (3rd position)
         placing weight on right foot
&,7      Scoot back on right foot,
         step forward on left foot facing 5:00
8        Touch right foot next to left facing 6:00
         with weight on left foot

1,2      With weight on left foot scuff right foot forward and
         hop with left foot turning 1/4 to the right -
         lift right to hitch position as you turn.
3        Spin 1/2 to the right while still on left foot
         (Max's note: "It's not as bad as it sounds")
4,5,6    Step to right side with right foot,
         step to left side with left foot,
         cross right behind left (R, L, R)

         Rolling vine or 360 degree turn left, touch right next to left

11,&,12  Right shuffle to right -
         Right side, together left, side right
13,14    Rock step back with left, step in place with right
15,&,16  Left shuffle to left -
         left side, together right, side left

17,18    Rock step back with right, step in place with left

Max's Note: The reason this section goes up to 18 is due to
            the fact that there is an extra 2 beats in this
            section because of the phrasing of the song.

SECTION I (Last One!)
1,2,3     Jump with feet apart,
          jump with right crossing over left,
          unwind 1/2 turning left
&,4       Chug, Chug -
          this is two scoots forward with feet slightly apart
5,6,7     Jump with feet apart,
          jump with right crossing over the left,
          unwind 1/2 turning left
8         Chug - just one scoot forward with feet slightly apart
1,2,3     Jump with feet apart,
          jump with right crossing over left,
          unwind 1/2 turning left
&,4       Chug, Chug - same as above
5,6,7     Jump with feet apart,
          jump with right crossing over left,
          unwind turning 1/2 left
8         Chug

Begin Again!  (if you can!)

Notes: I know this looks tough, but it is really cool.
       This dance has won numerous awards, and is danced as
       a show piece number.  It can be performed as a social
       dance as well, it is just a bit tougher than most!

Here are some additional choreography notes:
1. Lines cross each other on sections D,G,H
2. Low impact for section G; "step-slide-step-touch"
3. To help execute spin in section H count 3, lead with R leg
   pulling body to right
4. Section H; on rock front steps, slap hands with opposing line.
   ladies yell "Woo Woo" on both sets of &,4 counts in
   section I.  Men yell "Yah" on the 8 counts in section I

Additional Notes:
1. 3rd position is the heel of one foot to the instep of the other
2. Heel dig - similar to a rock step, but just using the heel,
   rather than whole foot or ball - like "J-Walk"

Remember, that the dance ends with the music on
the kick (count &,1) from section F
Take your time with this one - it is worth the effort!