Honky Tonk Mood
                    Choreographed by John Whippie

32 Count, 4 Wall Line Dance

Music: "Honky Tonk Mood" by Bill Hanff (very fast)
        or any fast Eastern Swing Tempo

Counts and Steps follow . . .

1,&,2       (Right Shuffle to Right) -
            Step side w/right, together w/left, step side w/right
3,4         Rock step back with left foot,
            step in place with right foot
5,&,6       (Left Shuffle to Left) -
            Step side w/left, together w/right, step side w/left
7,8         Rock step back with right foot,
            step in place with left foot

1,2,3,4     (Toe-Heel Walks Forward)
            Step forward onto right toe, lower right heel,
            step forward onto left toe, lower left heel,

5,6,7,8     step forward onto right toe, lower right heel,
            step forward onto left toe, lower left heel

1,2,       (Monterey Turns) -
            Touch right toe to right side,
            turn 1/2 right as you bring right foot next to left

3,4         Touch left toe to left side,
            bring left foot next to right foot

5,6,7,8     Repeat Monterey Turn (counts 1 - 4 above)

1,2         Touch right toe to right side,
            cross right over left foot and step
3,4         Touch left toe to left side,
            cross left over right foot and step
5,6         Step forward with right foot & turn 1/4 left,
            step in place with left foot
7,8         Step right foot next to left foot (or stomp),
            step in place with left (or stomp)

Begin Again!

This dance was choreographed for an Independent artist, and goes
extremely fast.  Any fast swing tempo that is evenly phrased will
also work.  If you would like to order the CD titled "In The Zone"
write to Virginia Records, 422 Mamaroneck Ave, Mamaronek, NY 10543
This album also features the song "Miss Goody Two Shoes" which has
a dance which was choreographed by Hillbilly Rick.