HILLBILLY HIP HOP CHOREOGRAPHER: Chris Kumre COUNT: 64 TYPE: 2 wall line dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Hillbilly Rap by Neal McCoy BUMP RIGHT HIP FORWARD TWICE, BRUSH, SLAP KNEE, BUMP LEFT HIP FORWARD TWICE, BRUSH, SLAP KNEE 1-2 Step slightly forward on right as you bump right hip, bump right hip 3-4 Brush left next to right, lift left knee and slap wth right hand 5-6 Step down on left as you bump left hip, bump left hip 7-8 Brush right next to left, lift right knee and slap with left hand POINT & POINT & POINT & POINT, CROSS, UNWIND 1&2 Point right out to right side, bring right together as you change weight to right, point left out to left side &3&4 Bring left together as you change weight to left, repeat 1&2 5-8 Cross left over right, slowly unwind making 1/2 turn to right (end weight on left) Option: On count 1-4 you could take your right arm with your hand in a fist and place it in front of your left leg on count 1, then your left arm in front of right leg on count 2, and so on. SHOULDERS RIGHT, SHOULDERS LEFT, ELECTRIC KICK 1-2 Slightly step right out to right side as you push shoulders right, push shoulders right 3-4 Push shoulders to left side twice &5&6 Step right back at 45 degree angle, touch left heel forward at 45 degree angle, bring left to center, step right next to left &7&8 Step left back at 45 degree angle, touch right heel forward at 45 degree angle, bring right to center, touch left next to right 1/2 TURN, 1/2 TURN, STOMP, OUT, OUT, DOWN, UP 1-2 Step left forward, pivot 1/2 turn right on ball of right 3-4 Repeat 1-2 5&6 Stomp left next to right, quickly step right out to right side, step left out to left side 7-8 Make 2 fists, put hands sis by side straight down bending knees & elbows pull fists to chest while squatting down, push fists down while standing up MONTEREY TURN 1-4 Point right out to right side, bring right together while making 1/2 turn right, touch left out to left side, stomp left next to right (change weight to right) VINE RIGHT, SHUFFLE RIGHT, TOUCH, POINT ARMS 1-2 Step right out to right side, step left behind right 3-4 Step right out to right side, step left in front of right 5&6 Step right out to right side, step left next to right, step right out to right side 7-8 Touch left toe behind right, swing both arms around & point them out to right side (look right) VINE LEFT, SHUFFLE LEFT, TOUCH, POINT ARMS 1-2 Step left out to left side, step right behind left 3-4 Step left out to left side, step right in front of left 5&6 Step left out to left side, step right next to left, step left out to left side 7-8 Touch right toe behind left, swing both arms around & point the out to left side (look left) MONTEREY TURN 1-4 Point right out to right side, bring right together while making 1/2 turn right, touch left out to left side, stomp left next to right APPLE JACKS, SLIDE, TOUCH 1&2& Fan left toe and right heel to left side, bring left toe and right heel to center, fan right toe and left heel to right side, bring right toe and left heel to center 3&4& Repeat 1&2& 5-8 Take big step out to left side, slowly drag right next to left, touch right next to left REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown http://members.aol.com/CactusStar/home.htm