GROOVIN COUNTRY CHOREOGRAPHER: Jo Coleman/Kinser COUNT: 32 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Groove It Country by Ronnie Beard SIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, LEFT ROCK BACK, RECOVER, SIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, RIGHT TOUCH BACK, 1/2 RIGHT 1&2 Side step right, bring the left foot next to the right (weight left), side step right 3-4 Rock back on the left foot, recover forward on the right foot 5&6 Side step left, bring the right next to the left (weight right), side step left 7-8 Touch the right foot back, make a 1/2 over the right shoulder (weight right) CROSS TOUCHES, OUT OUT, CLICK, POP KNEES TWICE 9-10 Touch the left foot out to the left side, cross the left foot over the right foot, weight left 11-12 Touch the right foot out to the right side, cross the right foot over the left foot weight right &13-14 Step the left foot out to the left side, and the right foot out to the right side (shoulder width apart), click fingers &15&16 Pop knees forward twice lifting heels off the floor STEP TOGETHER RIGHT & LEFT, ROLL HIPS THREE TIMES TO THE LEFT, PUSH BACK TOGETHER TWICE &17-20 Step together right & left, roll your hips and knees to the left for three counts using arms above head for styling &21-22 Step back right and left (feet together) pushing your hips back and extending your arms forward with palms forward, straighten up with arms back down &23-24 Step back right and left (feet together) pushing your hips back and extending your arms forward with palms forward, straighten up with arms back down RIGHT ROCK AND CROSS, LEFT ROCK AND CROSS, RIGHT ROCK AND CROSS, LEFT ROCK AND CROSS TRAVELING FORWARD 25&26 Rock the right foot out to the right side, replace weight left, cross the right foot in front of the left, weight right 27&28 Rock the left foot out to the left side, replace weight right, cross the left foot in front on the right, weight left 29&30 Rock the right foot out to the right side, replace weight left, cross the right foot in front on the left, weight right 31&32 Rock the left foot out to the left side, replace weight right, cross the left foot in front on the right, weight left REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown