TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance
LEVEL: Beginner
MUSIC: It's Good To Be Us by Bucky Covington
	Carolina Blue by Bucky Covington (Slower Teach)

1-8	Step right-together-right-together, twist heels clap x 3

1-2	Step right foot to right side, step left foot beside right
3-4	Step right foot to right side, step left foot beside right
5-6	Twist both heels to right, twist both heels to center
7&8	Clap hands 3x

1-8	Step left-together-left-together, twist heels clap x 3

1-2	Step left foot to left side, step right foot beside left
3-4	Step left foot to left side, step right foot beside left
5-6	Twist both heels to left, twist both heels to center
7&8	Clap hands 3x

1-8	Tap right heel to front 2x, tap right toe back 2x, step turn left, stomp right, stomp left

1-2	With weight on left foot, tap right heel forward 2x
3-4	With weight on left foot, tap right toes back 2x
5-6	Step forward on ball of right foot and pivot 1/4 left on balls of both feet
7-8	Stomp right foot, stomp left foot next to right

1-8	Step right foot diagonally right and tap left heel to front,
	Step left diagonally left tap right heel to front, paddle turn 1/4 left 2x

1-2	Dip (bend knees) and Step right foot right side while twisting body to left corner
	(facing 10:00), rise up and tap left heel forward
3-4	Dip and step left foot left, while twisting body to right (2:00)
	rise and tap right heel forward
5-6	Step on ball of right foot, swivel hips around left to right and pivot 1/4 left
7-8	Step on ball of right foot, swivel hips around left to right and pivot 1/4 left


Contact: Teri Rogers: 775-764-0006
This dance is a basic dance intended for the new linedancer
and is dedicated to my brand new beginner class.


Reformatted for display on web site
Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas
by Don & Patti Brown

Step sheet presentation copyright ©2008 by Don & Patti Brown. All rights reserved. Copyright for the dance remains with the original choreographer. This step sheet may be copied, however, please retain all copyright credits.