FUNKY FARMER CHOREOGRAPHER: Darci Burton & Lorraine Kurtela COUNT: 48 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner/Intermediate MUSIC: I'm From The Country by Tracy Byrd TWO RIGHT 1/2 MONTEREY TURNS 1-2 Point right toe side right, pivot 1/2 turn on ball of left dragging right next to left 3-4 Point left toe side left, step left next to right (weight on left foot) 5-6 Point right toe side right, pivot 1/2 turn on ball of left dragging right next to left 7-8 Point left toe side left, step left next to right (weight on left foot) VINE RIGHT, ONE FOOT TOE/HEEL SWIVEL TOUCHES 9-10 Step right foot side right, step left foot crossing behind right 11-12 Step right foot side right, step left foot next to right (weight on left) 13-14 Right toe touch to left instep, right heel touch to left instep 15-16 Right toe touch to left instep, right heel touch to left instep On counts 5-8, left foot travels in a swiveling motion while doing right toe/heel touches. RIGHT CROSS OVER VINE, ROCK STEPS 17-18 Step right foot side left crossing over left, step left foot side left 19-20 Step right foot side left crossing behind left, step left foot side left 21 Step right foot side left crossing over left 22-23 Step left foot side left, rock-return weight to right foot (with a "push-off" motion from the left foot) 24 Rock-return weight to left foot (with a "push-off" motion from the right foot) HEEL STEPS FORWARD 25-26 Tap right heel forward, step right foot down in place 27-28 Tap left heel forward, step left foot down in place 29-30 Tap right heel forward, step right foot down in place 31-32 Tap left heel forward, step left foot down in place SIDE SWITCHES, HOLD, CROSS, HOLD, UNWIND 1/2 TURN LEFT, HEELS DOWN 33 Touch right toe side right &34 Step right foot next to left, touch left toe side left &35 Step left foot next to right, touch right toe side right 36 Hold 37-38 Step onto ball of right crossing over left, hold 39 On balls of both feet unwind 1/2 turn left staying on your toes 40 Drop both heels to floor leaving weight on left foot FUNKY FARMER WALKS TO THE RIGHT & LEFT 41-42 Step right side right, step left to center 43-44 Step right side right, touch left next to right 45-46 Step left side left, step right to center 47-48 Step left side left, touch right next to right Arms and legs: with hands in fists down in front of body, bring elbows up and out and knees out on count 1. Return to center on count 2. Repeat again to the right and repeat to left twice. REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown