THE 4 X 4 CHOREOGRAPHER: Mary Brio, Shirley Lewis, Bev Boers, Wes Anderson, Patty Bradley, Bob & Dian Meyers, Al Perro, Bob Prusak, Clara Harvey, and Danielle Wasilewski COUNT: 46 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance MUSIC: Pick-Up Man by Joe Diffie HEEL TOUCHES, HEEL TAPS 1 Touch right heel forward and diagonally to the right 2 Step right foot next to left 3 Touch left heel forward and diagonally to the left 4 Step left foot next to right 5 Touch right heel forward and diagonally to the right 6 Step right foot next to left 7-8 Tap left heel forward and diagonally to the left twice HIP BUMPS, HIP ROLL 9-10 Step down onto left foot and bump hips to the left twice 11-12 Bump hips to the right twice 13-16 Slowly roll hips from right to left on these four counts VINE RIGHT, TOUCH, LEFT KICK BALL CHANGES 17 Step to the right on right foot 18 Cross left foot behind right and step 19 Step to the right on right foot 20 Touch left foot next to right 21 Kick left foot forward & Step onto ball of left foot next to right foot 22 Shift weight onto right foot 23 Kick left foot forward & Step onto ball of left foot next to right foot 24 Shift weight onto right foot VINE LEFT, TOUCH, RIGHT KICK BALL CHANGES 25 Step to the left on left foot 26 Cross right foot behind left and step 27 Step to the left on left foot 28 Touch right foot next to left 29 Kick right foot forward & Step onto ball of right foot next to left foot 30 Shift weight onto left foot 31 Kick right foot forward & Step onto ball of right foot next to left foot 32 Shift weight onto left foot MILITARY PIVOTS TO THE LEFT, STOMP HOLD & CLAP 33 Step forward on right foot 34 Pivot 1/2 turn to the left on right foot and shift weight to left foot 35 Step forward on right foot 36 Pivot 1/2 turn to the left on right foot and shift weight to left foot 37 Stomp right foot next to left 38 Hold and clap hands SIDE SHUFFLES, ROCK STEPS 39&40 Shuffle sideways to the right (right-left-right) 41 Cross left foot behind right and step 42 Rock forward onto right foot 43&44 Shuffle sideways to the left (left-right-left) 45 Cross right foot behind left and step 46 Rock forward onto left foot REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown