5-STEP CHOREOGRAPHER: Unknown COUNT: 20 TYPE: 2 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner with slow music, Intermediate with faster music MUSIC: You Really Had Me Going by Holly Dunn If It Will It Will by Hank Williams, Jr HEEL, STEP, HEEL, STEP, STEP, TOUCH, TOUCH SIDE, TOUCH BEHIND 1 Touch right heel forward 2 Return 3 Touch right heel forward 4 Return 5 Step forward on the right foot 6 Close with the left foot 7 Touch left toe out to left side 8 Touch left toe behind right foot TOUCH SIDE, STEP, TOUCH SIDE, TOUCH BEHIND, SIDE STEP, SLIDE, SIDE STEP, SLIDE 9 Touch left toe out to left side 10 Step Left beside Right 11 Touch right toe out to the right side 12 Touch right toe behind left foot 13 Step to the right side with right foot 14 Slide left over to right 15 Step to the left side with left foot 16 Slide right over to left GRAPEVINE RIGHT WITH 1/2 TURN, STEP 17 Step right on right 18 Step behind right with left 19 Step right on right turning 180 degrees 20 Close by placing weight on left REPEAT There is an alternative turn you can do on Steps 1 and 2 after the first rotation of the dance: 1 At the end of your vine (R-L-R) and as you place your left foot down, step forward on your right and pivot 180 degrees to the left 2 Step forward on you right and pivot 180 degrees to the left 3 Step forward on your right foot and close with the left then continue with the rest of the steps