dr. love 32 count 4 wall beg line dance chor. ray crum sept 09 dr love by donnie klang kick and point,kick and point,sailor step,1/2 turning sailor step 1&2 <1>kick right forward<&>step right in place<2>point left to left side 3&4 <3>kick left forward <&>step left in place <4>point right to right side 5&6 <5>step right behind left <&>step left to left side <6>step right in place 7&8 <7>step left behind right 1/4 turn left <&> 1/4 turn collect right together<8>step left to left side<6 o clock> rock recover,1/4 right shuffle,camel walks 1,2 <1>cross rock right over left<2>recover on left 3&4 <3>step right 1/4 turn<&> step left together <4>step forward right &5&6<&>step left <5>touch right next to left<&>step right<6>touch left next to right &7&8<&>step left <7>touch right next to left<&>step right<8>touch left next to right<9 o clock> hip bump right forward twice ,hip bump left back twice, funky walks 1&2<1>bump right hip forward<&>shift hip back<2> bump right hip forward 3&4<3>bump left hip back<&>shift hip forward<4>bump left hip back 5678 <5>walk forward right<6>walk forward left<7>walk back right<8>walk back left rock step,coaster step,1/2 turn,full turn forward 1,2 <1>rock forward right<2>recover left 3&4 <3>step back right<&>step left in place<4>step right forward 5,6 <5>step left forward<6>step 1/2 turn right 7&8 <7> step back 1/2 turn left<&>step forward 1/2 turn right<8>step left forward<3 o clock> end of dance enjoy theres a long break so just dance it threw i was gonna tag it but its too long lol