Cowboy Rumba
                 Choreographed by Linda & Dean Eavy
         RR 6, Box 28, Vincennes, IN 47591  (812) 886-4631
Description:  This is a 64 Beat, 4 Wall Line Dance that uses
Rumba and Samba steps.  Latin American hip movements and
arm movements can add style to this Dance.
Music: "You Got The Wrong Man" by Tim Mcgraw
        from the CD Titled "All I Want" (fast)
       "My Maria" by Brooks & Dunn  (the best!)
       "If I Said You Had A Beautiful Body" by The Bellamy Brothers
Count         Steps
1,2,3,4       (1st Half Of Rumba Box)
              Step fwd L, hold,
              step side right, step together L (s,q,q)

5,6,7,8       (2nd Half Of Rumba Box)
              Step back R, hold,
              step side L,
              step together R (s,q,q)

1,2,3,4       (Cross Over Breaks)
              Step side L, hold,
              cross R over L and rock fwd R,
              step in place L (s,q,q)

5,6,7,8       (Cross Over Breaks)
              Step side R, hold,
              cross L over R and rock fwd L,
              step in place R (s,q,q)
(Samba Flicks)
1,2           (SPIN 360 DEGREES LEFT WITH 2 STEPS)
              Turn 1/4 left and step fwd L starting spin,
              bring R foot next to left as you complete a
              3/4 spin left for a total of 360 degrees left.

&,3,4         Step side L on count "&",
              Point R toe side on count "3",
              hold count 4

(Samba Flicks)
5,6           (Spin 360 degrees Right With 2 Steps)
              Turn 1/4 right and step fwd R starting spin,
              bring L foot next to right as you complete a
              3/4 spin right for a total of 360 degrees right.

&,7,8         Step side R on count "&",
              Point L toe side on count "3",
              hold count 4

(4 Sets Of Cha Cha Cha's Forward) -
(Using "Cuban Motion" I.E.: Hip Action)

1,&,2         step fwd L, together R, step fwd L
3,&,4         step fwd R, together L, step fwd R

5 - 8         repeat left shuffle and right shuffle forward

(Fwd Rock, 2 Sets Of Cha Cha Cha's Back, Rock Back)
1,2           rock step fwd L, step in place R
3,&,4         left shuffle back -
              step back L, together R, step back L

5,&,6         right shuffle back -
              step back R, together L, step back R

7,8           rock step back L, step in place R

(Rumba Box)
1,2,3,4       step forward L, hold,
              step side R, step together L
              (1st half of box - s,q,q)

5,6,7,8       step back R, hold,
              step side L, step together R
              (2nd half of box - s,q,q)

(Samba Chasses' Or 2 Way Com Paso)
1,&,2,&,3,&,4 step fwd L (whole foot flat),
              Step side R (small step using ball of foot),
              cross L over R (whole foot flat),
              step side R,
              cross L over R,
              step side R,
              cross L over R

5,&,6,&,7,&,8 Step Back R
              Step Side L,
              Cross R over L,
              step side L,
              cross R over L,
              step side L,
              cross right over left
              (remember flat, ball-flat footwork)

(Rumba Box With 3/4 Turn Left)
1,2,3,4       Step fwd L, hold,
              step side R, together L (1st half of box - s,q,q)
              I know your feet are crossed from the previous
              pattern - just uncross them as you step forward!"
5,6,7,8       Step back R, touch left toe behind R
              (pressing with the ball of L foot)
              spin 3/4 left with weight ending up on right foot.

Begin Again!