COLOUR THE WORLD CHOREOGRAPHER: Tony Dougherty COUNT: 64 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Colour The World by SASH Ride On Into The Sunset by Barry Upton KICK BALL TOUCH, TOUCH STEP, HIP BUMPS 1 Kick right foot forward & Step in place 2 Touch left foot to left side 3-4 Touch left foot in place, step left foot to the left 5-6 Bump hips to the left twice 7-8 Bump hips to the right twice KICK BALL TOUCH, TOUCH STEP, HIP BUMPS 9 Kick left foot forward & Step in place 10 Touch right foot to right side 11-12 Touch right foot in place, step right foot to the right 13-14 Bump hips to the right twice 15-16 Bump hips to the left twice CROSS, BACK, SIDE, CLAP, TWICE 17-18 Cross right foot over left, left foot step back 19-20 Step right in place, clap hands 21-22 Cross left foot over right, right foot step back 23-24 Step left in place, clap hands ROCK FORWARD, ROCK BACK, QUARTER PIVOT STOMP CLAP 25-26 Rock right foot forward, rock back on to left 27-28 Rock back on right foot, rock forward on to left 29-30 Step forward on right foot, quarter pivot to the left 31-32 Stomp left next to right, clap hands ROLLING LEFT VINE, SLIDES FORWARD 33-36 Rolling vine left stepping left, right, left, touch right NOTE: A normal left vine can be done instead of the rolling vine if preferred 37 Step right diagonally forward to the right 38 Slide left next to the right foot 39 Step left diagonally forward to the left 40 Slide right next to the left foot STEP KICK, BACK TOUCHES, BACK SLIDE 41-42 Step right foot forward, kick left forward 43-44 Step left behind right, touch right toe next to left 45-46 Step right foot behind, touch left toe next to right 47 Step left foot behind 48 Slide right next to left foot with a touch HEEL SWITCHES, STEP FORWARD, TWICE 49& Right heel forward, step in place 50& Left heel forward, step in place 51-52 Step right foot forward, step left foot forward 53& Right heel forward, step in place 54& Left heel forward, step in place 55-56 Step right foot forward, step left foot forward 2 TURNING JAZZ BOXES 57-58 Cross right foot over left, step left foot slightly back 59 Step right foot quarter turn to the right 60 Step left next to right 61-62 Cross right foot over left, step left foot slightly back 63 Step right foot quarter turn to the right 64 Step left next to right REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown