CAROLINA SYNCHO-CHA CHOREOGRAPHER: Jerry Cope COUNT: 48 TYPE: 1 Wall Line/Contra Dance LEVEL: Intermediate MUSIC: Tequila Talking by Lonestar STEP ACROSS, CORKSCREW TURN, ROCK BEHIND, TURNING CHA 1 Step right foot across left foot 2 Unwind a full turn to the left 3&4 Cha-cha-cha to right (right, left, right) 5 Cross left foot behind right foot and step 6 Rock onto right foot in place 7&8 Cha-cha-cha turning to the right 1/2 turn (left, right, left) (moving backward toward opposite line) STEPS WITH FULL TURN, CHA BACK, ROCKING CHAIR 9 Step with right foot beginning a full turn to the right (moving through contra line) 10 Step with left foot completing a full turn to the right (moving through contra line) 11&12 Cha-cha-cha backward (right, left, right) 13 Step back onto left foot 14 Rock forward onto right foot in place 15 Step forward onto left foot 16 Rock backward onto right foot in place (clap) Dancers crossed lines during counts 9-12 and should now be in opposite facing positions from the start. The next 16 counts will be exactly the same steps as the previous 16, except that all footwork will be opposite. Dancers will be in original spots after 32 counts STEP ACROSS, CORKSCREW TURN, ROCK BEHIND, TURNING CHA 17 Step left foot across right foot 18 Unwind a full turn to the right 19&20 Cha-cha-cha to left (left, right, left) 21 Cross right foot behind left foot and step 22 Rock onto left foot in place 23&24 Cha-cha-cha turning to the left 1/2 turn (right, left, right) (moving backward toward opposite line) STEPS WITH FULL TURN, CHA BACK, ROCKING CHAIR 25 Step with left foot beginning a full turn to the left (moving through contra line) 26 Step with right foot completing a full turn to the left (moving through contra line) 27&28 Cha-cha-cha backward (left, right, left) 29 Step back onto right foot 30 Rock forward onto left foot in place 31 Step forward onto right foot 32 Rock backward onto left foot in place (clap) The dance could repeat at this point as a 32-count dance. However, we continue on with the following 16 counts to spice it up a bit STEP, TOUCH OUT/IN/OUT, SCUFF ACROSS, ROCKS IN PLACE, UNWIND 33 Step right foot to right 34 Touch left toe beside right foot 35 Touch left toe to left side 36 Touch left toe beside right foot 37 Step left foot to left 38 Scuff right foot diagonally forward to the left in front of left foot 39 Rock onto right foot crossed in front of left foot & Rock back onto left foot in place 40 Rock onto right foot turning 1/2 turn (facing away from opposite line of dancers) & Clap (keep weight on right foot) STEP FORWARD, SYNCOPATED COASTER STEP, STEP FORWARD 41 Step left foot forward 42 Step back on right foot & Step left foot beside right foot 43 Step right foot forward 44 Step left foot forward SYNCOPATED MILITARY PIVOT, SWAYS 45 Pivot to the right 1/2 transferring weight to right foot (now facing contra line again) 46-48 Sway to left, sway to right, sway to left (weight is on left to begin dance again) REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown