BLUEBOY DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER: Thomas Haynes COUNT: 32 TYPE: 4 Wall Line Dance LEVEL: Beginner MUSIC: Blueboy by John Fogerty 1 Point right toes to right side 2 Touch right next to left (clap) 3 Point right toes to right side 4 Step right next to left (clap) 5 Point left toes to left side 6 Touch left next to right (clap) 7 Point left toes to left side 8 Step left next to right (clap) 9-10 Touch right heel forward, touch right toes back 11-12 Step forward with right foot, 1/4 turn right, hitch left (With weight on right foot): 17-20 Roll body or rock hips forward for four beats 21-22 Step left with left foot, step right foot behind left 23-24 Step to the left with left foot, step right next to left foot (With weight on left foot): 25-28 Roll or rock hips forward for four beats 29-30 Step right with right foot, touch left next to right 31 Step left with left foot with 1/2 turn left 32 Touch right next to left (clap) You will now be facing wall 1/4 turn from start of dance REPEAT Reformatted for display on web site Dancing Deep In the Heart of Texas by Don & Patti Brown