BAR ROOM WALTZ CHOREOGRAPHER: Tom Selzler COUNT: 48 TYPE: 1 wall line dance MUSIC: Don't We All Have The Right by Ricky Van Shelton 1,2,3 Waltz forward L,R,L 4,5,6 Waltz backward R,L,R 1,2,3 Step forward on L, 1/2 turn onto R (CCW), step down on L 4,5,6 Step back on R, 1/2 turn onto L (CCW), step down on R 1,2,3 Serpentine steps backward L,R,L 4,5,6 Serpentine steps backward R,L,R 1,2,3 Serpentine steps backward L,R,L 4,5,6 Serpentine steps backward R,L,R 1 Step forward on L 2,3 Rolling forward full CCW turn R,L 4 Step forward on R 5,6 Rolling forward full CW turn L,R 1,2,3 Step forward on L, step to right with R, step L beside R 4,5,6 Step backward on R, step to left with L, step R beside L 1,2,3 Serpentine steps backward L,R,L 4,5,6 Serpentine steps backward R,L,R 1,2,3 Serpentine steps backward L,R,L 4,5,6 Serpentine steps backward R,L,R Begin Again Serpentine steps-On the first count, step one foot behind the other then step the second and third counts going in the same direction. Example: In the very first Serpentine steps of the dance, the Left foot steps behind the Right foot causing the dancer to move backward at a slight angle toward the right, the next two steps carry the dancer backward at the same angle. Like in almost all other C&W waltzes, counts 1 and 4 are long steps and counts 2,3,5 and 6 are short steps. e-mail comments and questions to