BARGAIN BOOGIE CHOREOGRAPHER: Michele Burton TYPE: 4 Wall Line Ddance COUNT: 32 LEVEL: Beginner MUSIC: High Tech Redneck by George Jones TOUCH SIDE, TOUCH CENTER, STEP SLIDES TO RIGHT 1-2 Touch right toe to right, touch ball of right foot beside left 3-4 Step right foot to right, slide left foot beside right 5-8 Repeat counts 3-4 two more times JAZZ BOX, STEP LOCK WITH 1/4 PIVOT TURN LEFT 9-12 Cross right foot over left, step back on left foot, step to right with right foot, step left foot beside right 13-14 Step forward on right foot, slide left foot up to cross (lock) behind right foot 15-16 Step forward on right foot, 1/4 pivot turn left (weight on left foot) SHUFFLE FORWARD, SWING, SWING, SHUFFLE FORWARD, STOMP, STOMP 17&18 Step forward on right foot, step left beside right, step forward on right foot 19-20 Brush left foot forward, brush left foot back 21&22 Step forward on left foot, step right beside left, step forward on left foot 23-24 Step forward and stomp right foot, stomp left beside right TOUCH STEP, TOUCH STEP, TOUCH STEP, HEEL DROPS 25-26 Touch right foot to right, step right foot beside left 27-28 Touch left foot to left, step left foot beside right 29-30 Touch right foot to right, step right foot beside left &31 Lift heels up, drop heels to floor &32 Lift heels up, drop heels to floor REPEAT The bargain part of the boogie! Here are some intermediate to advanced variations for the above patterns TOUCH SIDE, TOUCH CENTER, REPLACEMENT STEPS (ADVANCED) 1-2 Touch right toe to right, touch right ball of foot beside left 3-4 Touch right toe to right, hold (shift weight to ball of right foot, right knee bent) &5-6 Step left foot beside right, touch right foot to right, hold (shift weight to ball of right foot) &7 Step left foot beside right, step right foot to right, (weight is on right foot) 8 Step left foot beside right (weight is on left foot) CROSS BACK, PIVOT TURN, BODY ROLL (ADVANCED) 9-10 Cross right foot over left, step back on left 11-12 Step forward on right foot, 1/4 pivot turn to left 13 Step forward on right foot 14-16 Body roll (angle body toward 1:00. Body roll from head down through knee, ending with weight on left foot) SHUFFLE FORWARD, SWING CROSSS, SWING HOP STEP, STOMP STOMP (INTERMEDIATE) 17&18 Step forward on right foot, step left beside right, step forward on right foot 19-20 Brush left foot forward, brush back as it hooks across right shin 21 Brush left foot forward &22 Hop on right foot, step forward on left foot 23-24 Step forward and stomp right foot, stomp left beside right MONTEREY TURNS, HIP SHAKES (INTERMEDIATE) 25-26 Touch right toe to right side, pivot 1/2 turn to right on ball of left as you step right next to left 27-28 Touch left toe to left side, step left foot beside right 29-30 Touch right toe to right side, pivot 1/2 turn to right on ball of left as you step right next to left 31&32 Shake hips left, right, left Or use the following for those last 8 counts: VAUDEVILLE STEPS, HEEL DROPS (ADVANCED) 25 Step to right with right foot (a lunging motion - right knee bent, weight on ball of right foot) 26&27 Cross left behind right, step right beside left, step left foot to left (lunging motion) 28&29 Cross right behind left, step left beside right, step right foot to right (lunging motion) 30 Step left foot beside right &31 Lift heels up, drop heels to floor &32 Lift heels, drop heels to floor