ADALIDA CHOREOGRAPHER: Unknown COUNT: 70 TYPE: 4 wall line dance DIFFICULTY: Intermediate/Advanced MUSIC: Adalida by George Strait, 152 bpm HEEL, STEP, HEEL, STEP 1 Touch left heel forward 2 Step together 3 Touch right heel forward 4 Step together HEEL, HOOK, HEEL, STEP, HEEL, HOOK, HEEL, STEP 5 Touch left heel forward 6 Hook left over right in front 7 Touch left heel forward 8 Step together 9 Touch right heel forward 10 Hook right over left in front 11 Touch right heel forward 12 Step together BRUSH, STEP, BRUSH, STEP 13 Brush left foot forward 14 Step on left foot 15 Brush right foot forward 16 Step on right foot STEP, PIVOT 1/2, SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE, STEP, PIVOT 1/2 17 Step forward left 18 Pivot 1/2 right on both feet (military turn) 19 Shuffle forward left & Shuffle together right 20 Shuffle forward left 21 Shuffle forward right & Shuffle together left 22 Shuffle forward right 23 Step forward left 24 Pivot 1/2 right on both feet (military turn) GRAPEVINE LEFT WITH 1/2 TURN, JAZZ BOX 25 Step left to left side 26 Step right behind left 27 Step left to left side while turning 1/2 left at the same time 28 Swing right leg forward to complete 1/2 turn to left 29 Cross right over left in front 30 Step back on left 31 Step right to right side 32 Step together left STEP, PIVOT 1/2, MODIFIED "DWIGHT YOAKAMS" 33 Step forward right 34 Pivot 1/2 left on both feet (military turn) 35 Swivel on ball of left foot (toes pointing to the right), as you touch heel of right foot and point toes to the right (weight will be on left ball and right heel) 36 Swivel to heel of left foot (toes pointing to the left), as you touch ball of right foot and point toes to the left (weight will be on left heel and right ball) 37 Swivel to ball of left foot (toes pointing to the right), as you touch heel of right foot and point toes to the right (weight will be on left ball and right heel) 38 Swivel to heel of left foot (toes pointing to the left), as you touch ball of right foot and point toes to the left (weight will be on left heel and right ball) 39 Swivel to ball of left foot (toes pointing to the right), as you touch heel of right foot and point toes to the right (weight will be on left ball and right heel) 40 Swivel to heel of left foot (toes pointing to the left), as you touch ball of right foot and point toes to the left (weight will be on left heel and right ball) NOTE: Counts 35-40 progress to the right. Take small steps to maintain balance. May take lots of practice, especially if you are unfamiliar with "Dwight Yoakams" DIAGONAL STEP TOUCHES 41 Step forward right on diagonal 42 Touch left together 43 Step forward left on diagonal 44 Touch right together 45 Step forward right on diagonal 46 Touch left together 47 Step forward left on diagonal 48 Touch right together SHUFFLE BACK, SHUFFLE BACK, SHUFFLE WITH 1/2 TURN, SHUFFLE 49 Shuffle backward right & Shuffle backward left 50 Shuffle backward right 51 Shuffle backward left & Shuffle backward right 52 Shuffle backward left 53 Shuffle backward right, while beginning 1/2 turn to right & Shuffle in place left, continuing 1/2 turn to right 54 Shuffle forward right, completing 1/2 turn to right 55 Shuffle forward left & Shuffle forward right 56 Shuffle forward left TOUCH, 1/4 TURN, FOUR HEEL-TOE STRUTS 57 Touch ball of right foot forward (weight should stay on left foot) 58 Pivot 1/4 left on both feet, with weight remaining on left 59 Step forward right heel 60 Snap right toe to floor 61 Step forward left heel 62 Snap left toe to floor 63 Step forward right heel 64 Snap right toe to floor 65 Step left heel forward 66 Snap left toe to floor JAZZ BOX 67 Step right over left 68 Step left to left side 69 Step right to right side 70 Touch left together REPEAT VARIATION: Steps 13-16 can also be done as a quick heel hook, and a step forward 13 Touch left heel forward & Hook left over right in front 14 Step left forward 15 Touch right heel forward & Hook right over left in front 16 Step right forward